Today’s daily prompt from “WordPress” is “second time around: Tell us about a book you can read again and again without getting bored — what is it that speaks to you?
I don’t usually participate in the daily prompt because it isn’t relevant to knitting but, in this case, I think it is, if you pose it like this:
“Second time around: tell us about a knit you could make again and again without getting bored-what is it that speaks to you?
While I can’t honestly say there is anything I’d like to knit again and again, there are certainly things I have made in the past that I would like to have the time to knit once more. Not necessarily a do-over but an additional one.
The first thing that comes to mind is my: “Everyday Spring Cardi” A.K.A. “Brompton” by Alice Bell:
This is an old, and relatively lame, photo I took back in 2009 but I had already been wearing this a good two years before that. I made it out of Lion Brand wool-ease in the most hideous granny colored, greyish-green (apparently one of my favorites, BTW). This sweater was my standard go-to, “I have to walk the dogs/take out the trash”, cardigan until one of the dogs chewed a hole in the elbow. Even then, I continued wearing this for another year and only gave it up after realizing it wasn’t really keeping me all that warm anymore. I don’t remember much about knitting this cardigan but I do remember that it was a pretty easy knit, it had enough stitch diversity to keep it interesting and it fit well when it was finished.
Then there’s my “Nehru” AKA “Nehru Revisited” by Lori Versaci:
Yes, it’s the same color of green but this time I think I used Cascade yarns Cherub dk whick, I’m almost certain, I got on sale as a full bag. This is the sweater I made to fill the hole left in my wardrobe by “Brompton” and it’s been doing exactly that for the last two years but I’d love to have a nicer version, one in cotton maybe for the spring/summer and possibly in a color that isn’t vomitrocious?
My “Pink Boatneck” (#2911 Neckdown Boat Neck Pullover by Diane Soucy) will almost certainly get a redo because the first one came out really big. I was actually going for “really big” when I made it but now I want one that fits and isn’t mohair!
This pattern is really, beyond easy. It’s written well, it’s easily adjusted and it’s so freaking basic how can you not want more than one?!
My “Wrapigan” gets worn almost as much as the “Nehru” only this one sometimes even makes it out of the house:
This was made from Emma Fassio’s “Wrapigan” pattern only I used a heavier weight yarn than called for. I don’t remember what yarn it is but it has some alpaca in it and it’s warm. I’d like to make another one maybe in Elizabeth Lavold’s “Hempathy” for warmer weather.
My “Malabrigo Ephemera” mittens will have to be made again. I loved these mittens but, alas, after a full year of service they have gone the way of all mittens: lost, left on the counter at Starbucks or the library or some other place where, I hope, someone has picked them up and will wear them until they too leave them behind.
I don’t make a lot of mittens but these (Ephemera by Amy Christoffers of Savory Knitting) were really perfect. They were quick and easy to make and turned out cozy, warm and just the right length up the arm.
I would love to have another “Reverse Sunflower Bag of Pure Joy” (Sunflower Satchel by Diane Bertolatti) because it’s so cool but I can honestly say I will never make another one of these.
The knitting was easy and the result was awesome but it’s felted and daaaamn that’s a lot of knitting!
So why don’t I just remake these things if I liked them so much? The same reason I rarely read a book a second time, there just isn’t enough time!
Ravelry’s database of patterns grows bigger everyday and the list of ones I’d really like to make grows with it. Not to mention, these days, every sweater I make takes about three tries to get right,so I’m essentially making them all more than once anyway.